Sunday, December 29, 2013

Framing by Guest Blogger


It's a bad horror movie.

I'm trapped in a back room of my house while evil creatures tear apart the roof, trying to get in.

Oh, wait, it's only more construction work on HexHouse's new Fox Room.

This weekend the crew pushed to get certain stages done as the weather threatened to make mush out of what they'd already completed. A host of storms came through, drenching insulation and then subfloor.

Today, they're ripping off part of the roof to finish attaching the Fox Room's roof support. I trust that when they're done for the day, my existing roof will be protected from the elements. It's an uncomfortable thing for me, having faith in so many strangers to do something so important correctly.

Inside the house, it does indeed sound like I'm in a horror movie. Saws buzz, hammers bang, pieces fall, and heavy footsteps tromp above me. The cat is in hiding and the dog is curled up at my feet, occasionally looking at me apologetically. He's tried, but his most furious barking won't chase these evil creatures away. I can't make him understand that they're okay, nor do I really want to.

When they're done, they once again won't be okay and I don't want him to forget how to bark.

The framing is up for the Fox Room, and today they're adding plywood siding. It's exciting to see how it changes every day, and to learn what the steps are in construction. So far, I've learned:

* The forms for the foundation need to be inspected before the concrete is poured. (Did I get that right? I had a lesson in the difference between cement and concrete, too.)
* The plans aren't always right; sometimes the wall really isn't ten feet long.
* The plumbing has to be inspected before any subfloor can go on.
* One day you frame the room, and the next day you frame the roof, and the third day you undo the roof you framed yesterday. On the fourth day, you frame the roof right.
* When it rains, you hustle.
* Too many cooks really do spoil the broth, since there's only so much room on one roof.
* When you take part of the old roof off, you need to unframe the sliding glass door spot to make room for things going out (or in).

Even as I type this, I hear a cascade of roof pieces falling onto the new subfloor. I see why they take the old roof apart before they finish the new section.

Copyright 2013 Michelle Hakala


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