Thursday, September 17, 2015



According to Wikipedia: "The word Ebonics was originally coined to refer to the language of the African Diaspora. Since the mid-1990s, it has been used colloquially to refer to a distinctive lect, or variety, of English spoken by African Americans, which most linguists refer to as African American Vernacular English."

Ebonics seems to encompass more than simply pronouncing the word 'ask' as 'ax'. Nowadays, one or more of the following words or phrases used as a prologue or afterword,  or even an interjection, is now evidently recognized as being correct usage of American-English grammar.

you know...
know what I mean?...
know what I'm sayin'?...

And such political correctness stinks.

On the subject of grammatical correctness:

I noticed that in last night's first debate (for the JV), Senator Lindsey Graham seemed to be the only one of the GOP candidates to have adopted President Obama's decision to recognize the appellation ISIL instead of the more common ISIS. Does that say something about Lindsey Graham?

No... perhaps not.

Did You Know . . .?

When lightning strikes it can reach up to 30,000 degrees celsius, which is 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit.



On this day in 1849, Harriet Tubman made her first escape from slavery in Maryland with two of her brothers.

Tubman and her brothers, Ben and Henry, escaped from slavery the first time on September 17, 1849 but were recaptured. Soon afterward, Tubman escaped again, this time without her brothers.



nescience [NESH-uh ns, NESH-ee-uh ns]
1.lack of knowledge; ignorance.
2. agnosticism.
3. a formal or literary word for ignorance


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