Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Almost The End of August


The FREE Wi-Fi here at my apartment provided by the management has been inoperative again. For the last three days I have been without Internet access. I was told on the third day of the outage that several people have reported the problem and that the technician has been called. I was told that the system 'has issues' and that someone will be coming out to look at it this afternoon. Yep... after three days, someone has now been called.

Oops! I just now gave it a try and the Wi-Fi is working again, at 11:52 A.M.


Last week I reported here in the blog about my winning of three dollars in the Power Ball lottery drawing... I had one number, that being the Power Ball number. I used one of those dollars to buy an extra ticket (a random computer pick) for the next week's drawing. Well... that ticket contained the Power Ball number and two additional numbers in this week's drawing.


The amount I won for having those three numbers was seven dollars -- How 'bout that? I took the cash and tucked it into my wallet. No extra tickets this week... don't want to push my luck.


During the last few months I have noticed that my muscles have weakened to an even more alarming degree than I had grown accustomed to. I do not see myself as feeble... not quite, but lately it has been difficult for me to accomplish even minor tasks. For example: my bathroom sink has a pull-on/push-off faucet and I can no longer pull it up to the 'on' position at the first try... I have to use both hands instead of only one as most people can do. My arm muscles are no longer as strong as they were a few months ago.

And I am thinking that perhaps my cognitive abilities have also deteriorated, maybe even to the point of senility and I simply cannot detect it. I suppose it's possible.

How would I know if it is so?

As Forrest Gump was fond of saying . . .
"And that's all I have to say about that."


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