Friday, May 7, 2010

Early May In Tucson

Day before yesterday I walked (for exercise, exploration, and recreation) from the house all the way down Calle Del Valle then veered onto Coronado and then to Soldier trail where I proceeded to tread the rocks of a desert path to Calle Del Rincon then to home again.

This second picture is a close-up of the desert path's uneven, rocky surface.

While walking along on the paved roadway of Calle Del Rincon I noticed a beautifully landscaped Arizona lawn (rocks and cactus, no grass) and took a few pictures of it. Here they are:

Then last evening while we were out walking Eva, a coyote appeared on the street ahead of us. I managed to take a couple of quick shots but it was too far away and the sun was waning so the photo clarity was less than desired.

Here it is in the road in the center of the photo. Look closely . . . and try to ignore our intrusive shadows.

Here it is leaving the road to enter a yard full of hysterically barking dogs.

It can be seen a little better in this shot.

I think that I would do better if my camera had a stronger zoom. Maybe next time I see Mister Wile E. Coyote I will be able to get a bit closer to him.

We shall see . . .

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