Thursday, September 23, 2010

Summer Is Over . . .

The autumnal equinox, where the sun is directly above the equator and the length of day and night are nearly equal. The autumnal equinox occurred early this morning at 3:09 UTC, Coordinated Universal Time. But here in America, the equinox occurred last night, at 11:09 on the East Coast.

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Michael Faraday had almost no formal schooling, but he taught himself by reading books about chemistry and physics while he worked as a bookbinder's errand boy. Way to go Michael!

Michael Faraday

(Inventor of the electric motor, etc.)

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There are some disturbing thoughts rattling around in my mind. Although I have come to no conclusion as to whether or not these thoughts have any validity, the fact remains that they (at least seemingly) do exist and (seemingly) should be addressed. Below is a vague hint regarding those thoughts.

There are two ancient questions that have never been satisfactorily answered. They are: Why am I here? and Why is there something rather than nothing?

There is no way (that I know of) to prove that you are here. There is no way (that I know of) to prove that there is something rather than nothing.

One may believe that previously observed specific actions prove those two hypotheses -- but believing something does not make it so.

Divided Minds, Specious Souls is a short article written by David Weisman in SEEDmagazine in which he writes:

An 18th-century scientist believed a substance called caloric made hot materials hot and flowed into colder materials to make them warmer. It seemed to be true, but subsequent investigation showed mechanical vibration equates to heat. Science is littered with similarly discredited theories; the soul is one of them.

...the way things seem isn’t always how they are.

It seems (at times) to me that: There is no such thing as reality. Our biological brains create an illusion which we, due to our monumental vanity, assume to be reality.

Good Grief! One could go mad dwelling on such ideas.



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