Thursday, April 12, 2012

Info From The Web

Tucson Weather Today


Grammarphobia points out that good writers ought to be aware that an adjective should not be used before a series of nouns unless it applies to them all. A phrase like “her late father and mother” will be understood as meaning that both parents are dead, but if only one is deceased, the order should be reversed: “her mother and late father.”

I'm not sure that I was ever aware of that grammar rule, but it makes sense and I intend to remember it.


There is a website named American Doctors 4 Truth that presented a Youtube video that is supposed to be funny.

It ain't.

(Well, not much, anyway)


A Help Wanted Ad at Prostitution Research might be helpful if you are in need of more income.

But probably not.



the movement or ideology that opposes disestablishment

the separation of church and state

I did not know that . . . did you?



Born April 12, 1947


Mr. President, the buzz saw that your healthcare bill ran into wasn't lobbyists and special interests it was tens of millions of Americans who were saying, 'Stop!'
--John Boehner

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