Early this morning I discovered a promising new blog. Well, the blog is not new, just new to me, but it certainly does appear to be promising. Promising as in interesting.
Sarah "Mowgli" Moglia says she is a Professional atheist, Feminist, liberal, and part dinosaur. What she actually is, is a producer of well-written thoughts that she shares freely. Anything else I might say about her could be misconstrued, so I won't say anything else, except that if you take a look at what she has to say you will probably not be disappointed.
In a recent NASA announcement was this statement: "During the weeks following the arrival, Enterprise will be demated from the 747 and placed on a barge that will be moved by tugboat up the Hudson River to Intrepid in June."
Demated? Is demated grammatically appropriate usage in the above phrase? I was not sure so I tried to look it up via Google, but the only definition I found was: The word demated is derived from dematerialized = cease to be physically in existence.
I doubt that the shuttle Enterprise will be dematerialized from the 747, but then who knows what the Enterprise is capable of?
problematic [prob-luh-mat-ik]
of the nature of a problem; doubtful; uncertain; questionable.
Born April 26, 1933
Born April 26, 1942
“History is a set of lies agreed upon.”
--Napoleon Bonaparte
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