Monday, April 11, 2011

How Does A Person Know What's Best?



I have been eating American Cheese for most of my life so far, but now I have stopped eating it. Why? Well... for one reason a family member (a biologist) discourages its consumption. For another reason, I recently read THIS ALARMING ARTICLE and became suspicious, not only of Kraft Foods, but of the wisdom of eating American Cheese -- a food that is not really cheese but is instead some sort of a processed cheese-like product.

Yes, I have switched brands and now swear allegiance to Sargento -- for now. I want to enjoy real cheese, not a questionable substitute.

And that's not all . . .

While researching Sargento, I found on their web page describing their company the sentence: "Sargento Foods Inc. is a family-owned company comprised of three business divisions: Consumer Products, Food Service and Food Ingredients." and I immediately fired off an email message informing them that the term comprised of -- should have read: 'comprising' instead.

Haven't received a response yet.


Do you use Pandora Internet Radio?

The Wall Street Journal recently reported:

Federal prosecutors in New Jersey are investigating whether numerous smartphone applications illegally obtained or transmitted information about their users without proper disclosures, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The criminal investigation is examining whether the app makers fully described to users the types of data they collected and why they needed the information—such as a user's location or a unique identifier for the phone—the person familiar with the matter said. Collecting information about a user without proper notice or authorization could violate a federal computer-fraud law.

Online music service Pandora Media Inc. said Monday it received a subpoena related to a federal grand-jury investigation of information-sharing practices by smartphone applications.

Read more:

Do you use Pandora?


A Sea Of Words by Jessa Crispin is a reviewer's exposition of today's state of the bookwriter's art as presented by The Smart Set of Drexel University. Below is the opining paragraph.

In the week it takes me to read five different books on how to be a writer, approximately 30 books are delivered to my Berlin apartment. This is a decline from the 15 to 30 that used to be delivered every day, and I’m grateful for the barrier of costly international postage that keeps these numbers down. I will immediately discard about three-quarters of the books. Some of these, I would say maybe eight percent of the books I receive, are self-published. Under their bios the writers dutifully list the writing programs they attended. Now they have landed here, with a clip-art book cover, a cheap binding, and a $12 stamp to send it to a book critic who doesn’t even really review fiction anymore. I feel bad for these writers, and the years of effort and money they spent on a writing education, and all of that boundless optimism that had to be required to get to this point. I do not, however, feel bad enough to read their books.

And there is much more of interest following that paragraph to the serious (or even not so serious) modern-day writers. Additionally, Jessa Crispin is editor and founder of She currently resides in Berlin, but spent many years in Chicago.


My New Word For Today

defenestrate - To eject or throw (someone or something) from a window


In an interview with Kevin Brockmeier I read the sentence fragment -- "...I was just thinking about the dilemma we all face when we try to remember the people we used to be without the mediation of the people we've become..." -- and this struck me as profound. In other words, it made sense to me, and it made me want to step back in time and write a story about an event I experienced, but experienced by the person I was at the time of that event and not through the eyes of the me who now exists.

Does that seem sensible to anyone else besides me?


Really good fiction operates on you more like a slow poison -- in a good way. It enters your bloodstream and changes the way that you look at the world without your realizing it.
--Allegra Goodman

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