Saturday, March 24, 2012

Can't Think Of A Title


While downloading a picture of Steve McQueen for this morning's blog entry, a Norton Anti Virus warning, a flashing display, popped up on my monitor indicating that a number of serious threats had invaded my computer. I immediately initiated a Full-Scan of all files, which took a long time, a half-hour or more, I think... I didn't actually time it but took a short nap while the scan was running. After it was finished, it reported that 56 threats had been detected and removed.

That is not the first time this has happened. That good old Norton 360 has paid for itself time and again. And I am going to be much more careful where I go to select celebrity birthday pictures for my blog. This time, after all that trouble, I just used the one from Wikipedia.


This entry is pretty darn short, but I can't think of anything else at the moment. Maybe I will come up with something interesting to write about before the day is over. If so, I'll append it... if not, I wont.


Word For Today

affectedly dainty or quaint

The Urban Dictionary
has a comprehensive definition of twee.


Born On This Day In History

Born on March 24, 1930
Died November 7, 1980



Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.
--Omar Bradley

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