Sunday, July 11, 2010

What's Up With This?

I awoke early this morning just a little after midnight to the rooftop drumming of a torrential rainstorm. The rain on the roof was loud and it lasted for almost a half-hour.

Then I went back to sleep till 5:30 A.M. -- at which time I took Eva out to do her business.

. . .

As the song from Ghost Busters proclaims, "There's something strange in your neighborhood..."

The strange thing in my neighborhood is my recent and current mindset. For the last three months I have been unable to write anything of satisfactory significance (in my estimation) to include in the latest long-overdue manuscript iteration of my Great-American-Novel. This is, of course, my own fault. And yes I know what I mean by that. Something has to be done about it.

And, if time permits, it will be.

All my ghosts must be exorcised.

The ephemeral and the substantial.

And, given time, they will be.

I took my own photo this morning
Sorry I didn't shave . . . this is the real 71-year-old me

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